A woman holding a tablet and stylus.

Transform your business vision into reality with our expert guidance

Give your analytics ecosystem a tune-up with our free Modernization Workshop. We analyze your data practices to see what is and isn't working, then give you a clear roadmap on how to meet your goals—whether with us or on your own.


Find the answers you need to ensure your business thrives

Modernization roadmap

Your path to expert predictive insights starts here

Launch predictive analytics at scale with data harmonized across multiple sources and powered by data science.

  1. 1

    Start with a comprehensive review of your business analytics and technology maturity.

  2. 2

    Build on your foundation with customized recommendations based on your workshop results.

  3. 3

    Take your modernization efforts to the next level with targeted solutions and implementation support.

  4. 4

    Reach modernization excellence with advanced analytics and tech solutions that keep you at the forefront.

  5. 5

    Achieve maximum modernization success with expert guidance and cutting-edge technology solutions.

Workshop focus areas

Let’s fast-track you to peak data optimization

Choose our two-week workshop to receive a full analysis of your business analytics and technology maturity. Or, select the one-week workshop to gain insights on strengths and areas for improvement in business analytics.

Who we help


Business analysts and power users


Line of business owners


Citizen data scientists





A group of four colleagues sit at a small round table having a discussion.

Key points of analysis

The demands of scale, complexity, and speed increase exponentially every year. To prepare you, we’ll review key areas of your business to equip your organization with the right tools to meet these demands at every level.


Business focus

  • Data and analytics maturity
  • Self-service capability
  • Analytical capability
  • Accessibility of data
  • Feature and data store availability

Operations focus

  • Analytics agility
  • Workload management
  • Data security
  • Performance management
  • Disaster recovery
  • Application management
  • Data archiving

Hear from other leaders who’ve taken Teradata's Modernization Workshop

Modernization Workshop

Get started

We welcome you to a virtual, in-person, or hybrid workshop. It’s easy to get started. Just fill out the short form, and we’ll be in touch within one business day to talk about next steps.

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