Teradata founding partner of the Intuit Dome – home of the Los Angeles Clippers

Teradata invites you to a special event at the Intuit Dome!

As the preferred enterprise AI partner, Teradata is bringing cutting-edge cloud analytics to the LA Clippers and the new Intuit Dome – one of the most tech-enabled sports and entertainment venues in the world.​

Event schedule

Join Teradata and industry peers for an exclusive signature event

Discover the game-changing innovation of the Intuit Dome—designed to redefine live experiences and reshape the sports and music scene in Los Angeles. Enjoy an elevated fan experience in the exclusive Teradata Halo Loft and explore Teradata’s cloud analytics and trusted AI platform at our AI, analytics, and digital transformation meetups leading up to the event.

Don’t miss this opportunity for groundbreaking insights and valuable peer networking.

RSVP Today

Secure your spot at an upcoming LA Clippers game or event by completing the registration form.

Come play with us!

Talk to your Teradata representative about available opportunities to join us at Intuit Dome for an L.A. Clippers home game or other live events.

Sign up for an event at Intuit Dome today

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